Conference “Let’s treasure our differences”

As part of the celebration of the award of the Capital of Dialogue of the Euro-Mediterranean Region 2021, which this year was presented by the Anna Lindh Foundation to the City of Mostar, it was held on Wednesday, December 29, 2021. year, at the Music Center Pavarotti Mostar, a conference entitled “Treasure our diversity” in hybrid form.

By organizing the conference, we create additional space for the exchange of examples of good practice from other cities and communities. We want to capture the breath of space and time of other communities and be part of the wider family of intercultural dialogue.

The participants were addressed by the Chief Advisor of the City of Mostar, Radmila Komadina, the representative of the ALF Network in BiH, Miralem Turšinović, Regional Coordinator for Southern Europe and the Mediterranean Organization of World Heritage Cities, Rafael Perez de la Concha Camacho, Deputy Mayor of Limassol, Neophytos Charalambides. director of the Pavarotti Music Center, Tajma Guzin, and head of operations and intercultural research at the ALF, Eleonora Insalaco.

The announcement of the film “The City That Speaks” premiered as part of the conference.
The Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue Capital Award is an initiative of the Anna Lindh Foundation, as the first institution to promote intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The award is intended as an international recognition for cities that have implemented or initiated intercultural policies and actions and have a vision of improving cultural diversity, intercultural relations and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region by establishing cooperation between different stakeholders.
The award aims to recognize multicultural cities and cities that have a vision, that implement intercultural policies and support intercultural initiatives in terms of developing social and cultural cooperation. Centuries of building dialogue, living a life of intertwined traditions and customs, and the special effort and effort that Mostar invested in the postwar period, including the process of rebuilding the Old Bridge and rebuilding dialogue between the citizens of Mostar, were ultimately rewarded with this great recognition.

IDEAA Mostar

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